Can We Have A Christian “Ish” Site Without Censorship?

A lot of xangans, religious and secular post a whole lot of blogs about religion – positive, critical and everything in between.  But I hear story after story of blogs being heavily edited before being featured on revelife (sometimes they delete everything but a single sentence).  Or blogs being voted to the top and then deleted from the list, as two of mine have been.  Twice I’ve gotten “we’d like to feature your blog” messages from revelife, followed by them not featuring them.  They just start the process to get the blog off of the top of the list.

You might think my posts were profane or offensive.  One was submitted by John, the founder of xanga.

It’s good enough for the guy who runs the website, but not good enough for revelife?  Now nay-sayers might say John could be some kind of degenerate closet homo atheist perv or something.  If you think so, the blog he submitted for featuring is here.

It’s a clinical and cultural explanation of the original meaning of cursing and swearing in the bible.  And no, I don’t give out any “free samples”.  No questionable words or explicit language is used in the blog.

I was proud of that blog, and pretty jazzed when I thought it was going to be featured. 

Shouldn’t there be an alternative to revelife?  Why should they have a monopoly on religious postings if all they do is try to ideologically purify their site?

If I posted a blog on the bible to be featured on xanga or any of the “ish” sites, it probably wouldn’t be because “we’ve got revelife for that”, and if I posted a blog about the bible or religion that someone found interesting enough to submit to be featured, they would submit it to revelife, which would just nuke it.

So don’t we need an alternative?

Feel free to submit this to be featured anywhere but revelife.

About agnophilo

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36 Responses to Can We Have A Christian “Ish” Site Without Censorship?

  1. LydJaGillers says:

    Well, there is no Islamic Ish site, or Jewish, Buddist, etc. I find it very discriminatory that they only seem to cater to Christians and no one else. There should just be a generic Religious-ish site for all to discuss, educate, and do whatever else that comes to religion. Just my humble opinion though. 

  2. LydJaGillers says:

    BTW: You can create a Xanga that caters to just this. It may not be an official ISH site but you could ask for submissions, promise to not edit any of them (no censorship whatsoever) and post those that are asked to be “featured” on your religious xanga account. I bet you’ll get a good response. 

  3. SerenaDante says:

    Yeah, it’s pretty ridiculous. I think revelife should be completely deleted and we should have a site where all religions – and non-religions – can be discussed fairly, not just Christianity.

  4. I like Lyd’s idea. Why don’t you create an Xanga like this? 

  5. jmallory says:

    we don’t need an alternative… the problem with revelife should just be fixed. 

  6. @SerenaDante – I agree. It shouldn’t be just about one religion. There should be one or maybe even more? for all religions.

  7. squeakysoul says:

    Maybe there should be a BeliefNet xanga corollary where all religion/belief/non-belief systems are discussed. Like Philosophish or something.

  8. roxics says:

    I’m going to second everyone elses opinion here and say there should be a generic ish site for all spirituality and non belief talk. 

  9. Revelife has done nothing but create hostility on Xanga.  They need to either have a -ish site for every religion out there (ridiculous) or have ONE -ish site for RELIGION in general.  What they have is stupid.

  10. I agree with @radicalramblings. I like the latter option better. Call it “religish” or “spritualish” or something. 

  11. maniacsicko says:

    all the ish sites edit the original post, don’t they?i got one that was taken by healthkicker and it turned out to be something really not me when it came out…   not to say i have a problem with that, just saying that all those site edit our post…

  12. Maybe you could just start one, Queerish style.

  13. JJPrint3rd says:

    with all due respect (and Im hoping not to get blasted for saying this), the site is pretty clear that its a Christian site. There is one for Moms, one for Autism, one for Singles, one for health nuts, one for Men, and the list goes on. Perhaps those interested in one specific to their religion, or for Atheists, should put their efforts into having one started, or starting one themselves, rather then putting Revelife down. If as much dedication was shown to having say, Atheists or whatever you chose to believe represented by a site of their own, maybe the creators of Revelife/Datinigsh/HealthKicker/Mancouch/ or whatever (these are just some examples) would take notice and create one. Just my two cents tho. Do what you gotta do.

  14. I do believe there should be an alternative site, not just for believers, but non-believers as well. It should be an inviting place for everyone that includes civil and lively debate. Hell, I’m a Christian who happens to have a different perspective (i.e. very liberal) when it comes to my faith and I do not feel that welcome over at Revelife. It can be incredibly hostile and it frightens me sometimes. I can’t imagine how it must feel to be someone who is not Christian  commenting there just to share their honest opinions. The fact that an alternative hasn’t been made yet is a bit surprising to me actually. (That being said, I’m also surprised there isn’t a political “Ish” site although that’s probably for the better even if I do love politics.)

  15. Notice that you can’t find revelife on the front page anymore. Xanga’s attempt to fix it I suppose. I would love to see an pagan site actually. 

  16. MagisterTom says:

    I would think a person could create their own ish type site, even registering a domain name for it now. Getting it the readership of Revelife may be a challenge, but, you seem pretty established here, so doing it wouldn’t be impossible.I do think Revelife has been improving lately though.

  17. L_O_R_D_X101 says:

    There should be an ISH site for every single religion – and also one on on both religion, and science. Heck, why don’t New Agers get their own ISH site as well? What makes Christianity so special? Diverisity – not, “multicultural political correctness!” For Diversity! Xinyu Hu

  18. I’m going to agree with the washed and watered out concept of Revelife… that they try to purify their sacred site too much… however I’ll have to disagree with some of the alternative ideas.Basically, I think Revelife should just be a little bit more open minded, and publish even the harsher posts. The problem with a generic religion/philosophical site is that too many people would just start arguing, flaming, and trolling.  It would be (unintentionally) an endless stream of ad hominem and shoving religions, beliefs, and non-religion in faces.  I think this is why Revelife edits so much… so as not to be so offensive. (even though religion is pretty offensive in itself…)However, individual religions/beliefs could start their own sites. As long as there isn’t animosity.

  19. Mac_Libureet says:

    I wish they wouldnt edit posts so heavily

  20. agnophilo says:

    @LydJaGillers – True, I’ve heard people calling for a skeptic-ish site for ages.  I’d post to it : D@LydJaGillers – Yeah but I wouldn’t get nearly the subcribers or views.  People might as well just post their own blog on their blog.@SerenaDante – Fair point.@schallerbrandon – Read the second response in this response.@jmallory – True.  Do you know if xanga runs it or what?@QueenOfOreos – @squeakysoul – @roxics – @radicalramblings – @L_O_R_D_X101 – True.@mathematicalbagpiper – Or “cultish” : P  Just playing.@maniacsicko – I’ve never had one of my featured posts edited, but I’ve only had them featured on the main xanga site.@The_Brink_of_Omniscience – 50 views vs 3-25k views.@JJPrint3rd – If I had submitted a “christianity is bullshit” blog or something I could see your point.  But I did not.  I’m talking about a blog that was about the bible and not bashing it, which got positive feedback from christians and non-christians alike.@salvatruca_stalking_havok13 – Heh, they banned me ages ago (atheist) because I called them out on deleting innocuous comments from their featured blogs.  What faith are you that you get grief on revelife?@insert_label_here_003 – I didn’t notice that.  That’s interesting : D@MagisterTom – I don’t have the time or expertise to run a site like that.  You can’t just double click on “large popular website” and make one.  There’s complex programming involved.  Or I’d have to buy the rights to whoever made the generic engine this site works on, and that can cost a few hundred dollars or more.@nodnarbassoon – I have people leave hateful comments on my site all the time.  Know what I do?  Deal with it.Why are people afraid of controversy?  I mean unless you think someone’s going to kill you over a blog post or something, why should it matter?  I don’t think the general attitude on a skepticish or religionish site would be hatred, it would just flair up now and then, like it does anyway.

  21. agnophilo says:

    @Mac_Libureet – Me too.  Or at least run it by the author for their approval or show where it’s been edited or something.

  22. jmallory says:

    @agnophilo – I’m not sure… but what I am sure of is that those who do run it take opinions to heart… they are just afraid to step on the Christian’s toes because that is their “audience” 

  23. agnophilo – Its not the idea of controversy.  I like a good philosophical discussion (arguement) every now and then, but a lot of times it’s pointless and ends up circular, and never goes anywhere productive because neither side wants to budge, and both sides end up reverting to ad hominem, which is plain pointless and dumb.  Why argue when nobody is going to win?btw, I like your playlist.

  24. MagisterTom says:

    @agnophilo – I meant to use the new Xanga feature. It’s like $10 a year plus a domain name. Basically, your xanga gets it’s own domain name, nothing else changes. Provoking Thought did it with his. Granted you won’t gain the features the ish site has, so you’d have to make do with the limitations present, but, it’s a step in the direction anyway.

  25. @agnophilo – They banned you?! They really are shameless…and annoying. They probably didn’t even ban you because of the comment thing and more so because you’re an atheist.  God forbid Christians have to acknowledge and respect that the world does not revolve around them. Reminds me of this graph, to be honest which is truly how Revelife acts most of the time when their collective faith is questioned.  Well, I’m Catholic (still kind of questioning it though), but it does appear Revelife is more biased towards Evangelical Christians. Any mentions of other denominations are the most conservative examples that the denomination can offer. This has always made me feel unwelcome since I am very liberal in my beliefs. I honestly thought the site was a place to learn and debate about religion, but it really just serves as confirmation bias for conservative Christians. In blog form.

  26. I am Jewish and feel that this site is definitely discriminatory. I would like to comment on religious and spiritual views as well, but feel excluded from a “religious” site devoted to Christianity.

  27. I guess I missed the part where this is a popularity contest. Start the site. If it genuinely fills the gap you’ve mentioned, it will gain readership. If you build it, they will come.

  28. I agree with Mark.  Lets create a site for religious equality.

  29. agnophilo says:

    @jmallory – True.  I’d hate to cater to a religious audience.  Even though not every religious person is narrow-minded some percentage is guaranteed to have a big stick up their ass.@nodnarbassoon – Thanks, hope you find something on it (playlist) you haven’t heard.  And yeah, that can be frustrating.  Though when it comes to religion debates the faith side tends to be the side unwilling to budge.  I don’t know an atheist who wouldn’t become a deist or even a theist without appropriate evidence.  It just doesn’t exist.@MagisterTom – How does it help you?  And yeah, provokingthought blocked me ages ago, as do many conservatives, so I can’t view it.@salvatruca_stalking_havok13 – “They banned you?! They really areshameless…and annoying. They probably didn’t even ban you because ofthe comment thing and more so because you’re an atheist.”Oh probably.  I’ve been banned from so many religious and conservative blogs.  Never banned anyone from my blog though, and I never blocked anyone but spambots when I used to post to myspace either.”God forbidChristians have to acknowledge and respect that the world does notrevolve around them. Reminds me of this graph, to be honest which is truly how Revelife acts most of the time when their collective faith is questioned.”That’s about the size of it.  Many christians think that them not getting special treatment is “persecution”.  I guess that’s what you get when you tell them from birth that the most awesome thing the most awesome person in the world ever did was be a martyr.  They wanna grow up and be just like jesus.  Except for all those pesky ethics – easier to just whine about the anti-christ and how “secular” society is and blah blah blah.”Well,I’m Catholic (still kind of questioning it though),” I used to be catholic : D  You might enjoy a blog I wrote the other day, if you haven’t seen it already.  But yeah, kudos for questioning, whatever your conclusions.”but it does appearRevelife is more biased towards Evangelical Christians. Any mentions ofother denominations are the most conservative examples that thedenomination can offer. This has always made me feel unwelcome since Iam very liberal in my beliefs. I honestly thought the site was a placeto learn and debate about religion, but it really just serves asconfirmation bias for conservative Christians. In blog form.”It’s good you can see these things, it’s a strong sign you don’t share these very common religious hangups.  Honestly I don’t even know what the atmosphere on revelife is anymore, being banned and all.  I just know from, well, what this blog is about, that the censorship is still alive and well.  You talked about what it must be like for a non-christian.  I remember in my early teens, when I first started using the word atheist I got lots of shit from people, and people online telling me they felt sorry for me because I had a “hardened heart” and they would pray for me, that kind of shit.  People just regurgitating biblical prejudices without bothering to get to know me.  They might as well walk up to a jew and tell them it’s such a shame that they teach lies for filthy lucre’s sake.Mindless fucking people.

  30. agnophilo says:

    @redhairedgrrl – Thanks for agreeing.  Yeah I’m sure it’s interesting being jewish in the US.  I remember thinking if I were a priest in a church the first thing I’d do is get some rabbis together and swap notes.  If I cared more about truth and less about orthadoxy, that is.@The_Brink_of_Omniscience – I don’t have the time or expertise.@hesacontradiction – : D

  31. @agnophilo – That graph speaks the truth!  I am a christian (new one… became one last summer), but there are still things about christianity (christians in general) that make me ashamed (I DEFINITELY agree on the massive christian pitty party being ridiculous).  I subscribe, and ocasionally read Revelife posts, but most of it is really just worthless junk (my opinion).  As far as the playlist, nothing new, just cool stuff that I haven’t heard in a while.  Re: discussions/arguements, I think it goes both ways.  Believers and Non-believers alike can be equally stubborn.  Some people just plain DON’T WANT to budge, even when presented with undeniable proof (either way).  That’s why I like to limit my debates to only those that may end up fruitful.

  32. agnophilo says:

    @nodnarbassoon – “That graph speaks the truth!  I am achristian (new one… became one last summer), but there are stillthings about christianity (christians in general) that make me ashamed(I DEFINITELY agree on the massive christian pitty party beingridiculous).”  Yeah I’ve known many christians who couldn’t bring themselves to describe themselves as such, preferred “follower of christ” etc.”I subscribe, and ocasionally read Revelife posts, butmost of it is really just worthless junk (my opinion).”Back when I could read them without logging out I was of much the same opinion.  And I commented : D”As far as the playlist, nothing new, just cool stuff that I haven’t heard in a while.”  There are 175 songs!  Gotta be something you haven’t heard in there : P”Re:discussions/arguements, I think it goes both ways.  Believers andNon-believers alike can be equally stubborn.  Some people just plainDON’T WANT to budge, even when presented with undeniable proof (eitherway).  That’s why I like to limit my debates to only those that may endup fruitful.”Yeah but faith by definition is belief without evidence, let alone “undeniable proof”.  And every believer concedes by default that it’s valid to not accept something without evidence because they accept none of the other religions without evidence.

  33. @agnophilo – I’m a music major… music is my life.  If I haven’t heard it before, I’ve heard OF it.  πŸ˜›  …actually, ok, I’ll admit… there are a couple I haven’t heard of… (like XTC and Cypress Hill…).I sometimes call myself “follower of Christ”… but it’s just so much easier to say “christian”… because it’s what I am.  Why should I deny it?  It gets hard though, because I believe in the bible, take it litterally, go to church and take epic notes every week, but I’m not religious, and many of my religious christian friends criticize me for it… but half of them don’t know what the bible really says!  They’re just caught up in their happy sunday school world.  I got in a discussion tonight about cursing… (inspired by your blog), and the only verses they could pull up to argue against it were at most REMOTELY related to the topic. One even had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with cursing (Matthew 5:33+)!!I bet Revelife loved your comments! πŸ˜›  The only one I really cared about recently was the Calvinism posts… but that’s just me.  And even so, I had people getting obnoxiously religious on me. Even though I basically said that it doesn’t matter if you believe Calvin or Arminius… w/e… So I just stopped commenting, and I hardly ever read the posts.Maybe I don’t understand your comment about “faith by definition”, but it sounds like what you said before, that those of faith are less likely to budge, and to that I reply that some hold faith (by your definition) that Atheism is true, and are equally unwilling to budge as are those of faith (again, by your definition) that Christianity is true.  Again, I say, it goes both ways.  But here I go too far…. this conversation in itself is an example… I, the christian, am pretty unwilling to budge on this issue of whether or not christians or atheists are more or less likely to budge.  Maybe you win afterall…

  34. agnophilo says:

    @nodnarbassoon – “I’m a music major… music is my life. If I haven’t heard it before, I’ve heard OF it.  πŸ˜›  …actually, ok,I’ll admit… there are a couple I haven’t heard of… (like XTCand Cypress Hill…).”: P  Toldja.”I sometimes call myself “follower ofChrist”… but it’s just so much easier to say “christian”… becauseit’s what I am.  Why should I deny it?”  You’d know better than me what you are I suppose.”It gets hard though, because Ibelieve in the bible, take it litterally, go to church and take epicnotes every week, but I’m not religious, and many of my religiouschristian friends criticize me for it…” I’m sorry : (  People can be real dicks.  Remind them jesus said be not like the hypocrites who pray in the street corners and synagogues to be seen by men.  Organized religion is more of an invention of catholicism than a necessarily “christian” thing.  So far as taking the bible literally, I totally don’t agree with you on that, but while I would disagree or debate you on that, I wouldn’t be a tool to you because you’re not an ideological clone of myself.”but half of them don’t knowwhat the bible really says!  They’re just caught up in their happysunday school world.”  Oh yeah, I know.  I know more scripture than almost every christian I’ve ever met, including most members of the clergy I’ve talked to.  It’s really pathetic.In fact you taking an intense interest in the bible is what people would do if they really believed it was written by god and affects them.  If I thought an alien had written the bible it would be the number 1 book on my reading list.  Very, very few people really believe this, most just think they’re supposed to for cultural reasons.  Not going to church or “cursing” or masturbating or premarital sex etc are all merely cultural taboos.”I got in a discussion tonight about cursing…(inspired by your blog),” Aw : D  It’s nice to know I started an argument out there somewhere : )”and the only verses they could pull up toargue against it were at most REMOTELY related to the topic. One evenhad ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with cursing (Matthew 5:33+)!!”Yeah, I know that feeling very well.  That’s how every atheist, agnostic or skeptic feels talking to people of “faith”.  Faith, in the modern sense of the word is something bad, a vice.  It’s believing a particular conclusion and trying to maintain that that belief is true… regardless of whether it is.  It’s an exercise in small-mindedness and not thinking, and since everyone is imperfect and born into tons of cultural biases and has to change their mind quite a lot to get closer to the truth, that kind of “faith” guarantees that you will never get an inch closer.”Ibet Revelife loved your comments! :P”  Yeah, I bet they ate em’ up : D”The only one I really cared aboutrecently was the Calvinism posts… but that’s just me.  And even so, Ihad people getting obnoxiously religious on me. Even though I basicallysaid that it doesn’t matter if you believe Calvin or Arminius… w/e…So I just stopped commenting, and I hardly ever read the posts.”That’s the modern mentality in christianity, it doesn’t matter what faith you have or what specific thing you believe in, so long as you believe in god.  It’s a natural response to the democratic world becoming increasingly secular, christians trying to consolidate their numerical strength to try to stay in charge of everything.  I mean the catholic church is now trying to merge with the protestants to get more $$.  They’re on a sinking ship so they’re throwing out their principles to try to stay afloat.”MaybeI don’t understand your comment about “faith by definition”, but itsounds like what you said before, that those of faith are less likelyto budge, and to that I reply that some hold faith (by your definition)that Atheism is true, and are equally unwilling to budge as are thoseof faith (again, by your definition) that Christianity is true.  Again,I say, it goes both ways.”Atheism isn’t the positive declaration that there are no gods.  An atheist doesn’t say “I know there is no god”, he says “I am not convinced there are gods because there is no evidence”.  Not accepting an idea because there is no evidence for it whatsoever is not the same as accepting an idea even though there is no evidence for it whatsoever, lol.”But here I go too far…. thisconversation in itself is an example… I, the christian, am prettyunwilling to budge on this issue of whether or not christians oratheists are more or less likely to budge.  Maybe you win afterall…”Heh. : D

  35. JJPrint3rd says:

    @agnophilo -. I could understand if it was a total “God bashing highly offensive” post.. but what you described sounds totally acceptable to me. 

  36. agnophilo says:

    @JJPrint3rd – There’s a link to it in the original blog.  It’s actually a really good one, I’m proud of it.

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